Thank you for your continued support of amalgam! I’ve been baking/selling for a couple of months now and you all have kept me busy every week. Seriously. Every week I have had orders to fill, which is really beyond any expectation. I’m grateful for that consistency. It’s brought me joy and challenged me and ultimately showed me that this is a viable venture, which is more than I initially anticipated. What started as an experiment of sorts has blossomed into a beautiful addition to my life.

So this week is the first week since I started that I’m taking time off. Completely. No macarons. I am relieved and I also know myself well enough that I’ll likely still bake a tray for fun.
As I think about the future and how I’ll balance working full time and this side business, I’m putting things in place that will make it easier to balance my time and put energy toward all of the things that fulfill me.
I’m hoping to grow my custom orders and eventually get into a #macdrop rhythm of every other week. I’m also planning for some fun events and thinking about how I can bake to build community (always).
And what about design? Where does that fit in?
I’m still working toward building a portfolio, digging deep into creating for myself and others, and more slowly stepping forward with that part of amalgam. It energizes me - colors and textures and patterns and layout - and I‘m still laying foundations for knowledge growth and skill building (especially technologically) to walk down that pathway in the near future, too.
So thank you again for being here! Have a wonderful week and I’ll be back with the regularly scheduled weekly macs, soon.